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Jin-Guang Teng, President, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)
Elizabeth Randall Winkle, Chief Strategy Officer, STR
Opening General Session
Kaye Chon, Dean and Chair Professor, Walter & Wendy Kwok Family Foundation Professor in International Hospitality Management, School of Hotel and Tourism Management (SHTM), PolyU
Featured Speakers:
Dr Jennifer Cronin, President, Wharf Hotels Management Limited
"Crisis Management: Lessons We Have Learned"
Mr Steve Hood, Senior Vice President of Research for STR and Founding Director, SHARE Center
"Hotel Industry Outlook for Asia Pacific"
Prof. Andreas Papatheodorou, Professor, University of the Aegean
"The Future of Aviation Industry"
Dr Mario Hardy, CEO, Pacific Asia Travel Association
"Tourism Recovery Strategies: PATA's Perspectives"
Prof. Haiyan Song, Associate Dean and Chair Professor, Mr and Mrs Chan Chak Fu Professor in International Tourism, SHTM, PolyU
"Tourism Arrival Forecasting for Asia Pacific"
Session Break
Prof. Dimitrios Buhalis, Director of eTourism Research Lab, International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research, Bournemouth University
"The Future of Hospitality and Tourism Technology after COVID-19"
Panel Discussion
Prof. Haiyan Song, Associate Dean and Chair Professor, Mr and Mrs Chan Chak Fu Professor in International Tourism, SHTM, PolyU
Mr Richard Hatter, General Manager of Hotel ICON and Adjunct Associate Professor of SHTM, PolyU
"Managing in Turbulent Times"
Dr Zinan Liu, Chairman of Royal Caribbean Cruises, Asia, Royal Caribbean International
"The Future of Cruise Line Industry"
Dr James Mabey, Chief International Business Officer, Managing Director Asia and Middle East at Standard International, LLC
"Hotel Development after COVID-19"
Mr Martin Donovan, Publisher, Mix Meetings
"The Future of MICE Business"
Dr Sangwon Park, Associate Professor, SHTM, PolyU
"Digital Transformation of Services due to COVID-19"
Special Presentation
Mr Dane Cheng, Executive Director, Hong Kong Tourism Board
"HKTB's Tourism Promotion Plans after COVID-19"
Impact Presentations I
Prof. Basak Denizci Guillet, Professor, SHTM, PolyU
SHTM Presenters:
Dr Faye Hao, Postdoctoral Fellow
"COVID-19 and Mainland China's Hospitality Industry: Disaster Management and Post-Epidemic Business Model" (Dr Fei Hao, Dr Qu Xiao & Prof. Kaye Chon)
Dr Jinah Park, Research Assistant Professor
"Assessing the Social Costs of Tourism during a Public Health Pandemic" (Prof. Richard T. R. Qiu, Dr Jinah Park, Prof. ShiNa Li & Prof. Haiyan Song)
Dr Catherine Cheung, Associate Dean and Associate Professor
"The Psychological Needs of Travellers Affected by COVID-19 Outbreak from the Perspective of the Existence, Relatedness and Growth (ERG) Theory" (Dr Catherine
Cheung, Ms Miki Takashima, Dr Hyun-Jung (Helen) Choi, Dr Yang Huijun & Dr Vincent Tung)
Prof. Basak Denizci Guillet, Professor
"Managing Hotel Revenue amid the COVID-19 Crisis" (Prof. Basak Denizci Guillet & Ms Angela Chu)
Impact Presentations II
Prof. Cathy Hsu, Chair Professor, SHTM, PolyU
SHTM Presenters:
Dr Daniel Leung, Assistant Professor
"Crisis Communication Strategies by Leading Tourism Firms" (Dr Daniel Leung, Dr Norman Au, Ms Qiulin Wang & Mr Fahad Mohammed Alhuqbani)
Dr Maxime Wang, Assistant professor
"The Strategy of Leader Communication in the Time of Coronavirus Crisis: The Impacts on Employees' Emotions, Job Attitudes, and Behavioral Intentions" (Dr Maxime Wang, Ms Wen Xueqi, Dr Lisa Gao, Prof. Modera M. Juan & Ms Liu Zihan)
Prof. Rob Law, Professor
"Research on Human-Robot Interactions in Tourism and Hospitality Experience" (Dr Vincent Tung & Prof. Rob Law)
Prof. Cathy Hsu, Chair Professor
"Insights into Sentiment of Hong Kong Residents towards Mainland Chinese Tourists" (Dr Nan Chen, Prof. Cathy Hsu & Prof. Xiang (Robert) Li)
Closing Remark
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